Meet the Cover Artist: Xinwei Huang
Our first ever 2020 Dated Forest Green Passion Planner is the brainchild of artist Xinwei Huang. We sat down with her to ask her about her creative process, where she finds inspiration, and how she stays motivated to keep creating.
Tell us a bit about yourself - how’d you get into art initially?
I think every child has a period where they draw nonstop, I just never got over that phase haha.
How has your art evolved over time and what steps do you take to continually improve your craft?
I think with more exposure and education, I was able to incorporate more modern and classical influences into it, which I'm really happy about! Nowadays, I still try to make it out to museums and galleries, and reread my copy of Gardener's Art Through the Ages to freshen up on inspiration. And of course try to draw some challenging things once in a while so I'm not always operating in my comfort zone.
Where did you draw your inspiration from for the 2020 Passion Planner cover that you created?
From fabric patterns! I also looked up past Passion Planner covers to get a sense of what you guys liked!
How do you find time to create with a busy schedule?
Oh man this one is so relevant… and so sad. I like to operate on deadlines, it's the only way I can be productive according to my own standards. So I try to involve myself in projects with deadlines.
How do you handle an art block or a creative rut?
I used to get so stressed! Nowadays I just don't do anything (haha)! Unless there's a deadline… then it's a pretty mechanical process where I go through the motions of finding references and draw until I can get some flow going and push through the rut. I guess that's my answer, it's more of a fake it until you make it kind of deal.
What keeps you motivated in life or what is your ‘Why?’ in life?
I'm trying to figure that out, but the general sense is that I want to be able to help people and other living beings.
Do you have any advice for fellow artists/those just starting out?
Everyone works differently, so don't try so hard to listen to every advice you're given, because it might not be for you. This goes for things like brush settings. I highly recommend beginner artists to stop trying to replicate a specific artists' process/tools and take the time to learn and discover what's comfortable for themselves.
What's a goal you have for 2020?
I have some personal goals that I'm working toward! I think art-related, my goal is to learn to chill and not involve myself in so many things.
Where can we find more of your work?
I'm birdstonshire on Twitter and Instagram! Thank you for having me!