60 New Years Resolution Ideas to Put On Your 2025 Passion Roadmap
New Year’s resolutions… Are those even a thing after 2020?
The answer is YES! Despite coming out of a year that has taught us just how quickly our plans can change, it’s important to hang on to the things we can control: our intentions, our habits, and our outlooks.
New Year’s resolutions can sometimes get a bad rap, but at Passion Planner, we’re all about creating goals that fit YOU and your unique journey. It’s time to refresh your Passion Roadmap with 60 of our top New Year’s Resolution ideas to reclaim your 2025.
New Years Resolutions for Healthy Relationships and Communities

Above: Weekly Annual Passion Planner, Women's Empowerment Sticker Book
With so many of us spending more time at home and indoors, connecting with people on a deeper level (let alone connecting at all) has never been more challenging... or more vital. This new social landscape has called us to find new ways of communicating, to set and reset boundaries, and to remember just how much community and justice mean to us. While the last two years may have been the year of social-distancing, there is no better time to nurture what's most important: our loved ones and the future we create together.
- Think of who you’re grateful for, and actually tell them!
- Improve your communication. Become a pronoun expert and practice talking about hard topics with friends!
- Call your loved ones when you think of them.
- Diversify your typical reading list to include books on antiracism, representation, and social justice.
- Become the friend that remembers birthdays. Send a birthday card the old fashioned way.
- Try a new method of connecting with loved ones.
- Shop mindfully. Support small, local, ethical businesses. Here’s a personal favorite of mine!
- Fill out our free Organizing Activism PDF created in partnership with local activist Brisa Lauren to create a plan to become more active in your community or cause.
- Start volunteering for a community or cause you believe in.
- Find the unique way that you want to make a difference in your community.
- Reduce your plastic use by making sustainable swaps.
- Give your time, money, or talents to community organizations who are pushing for positive change alongside the people who need it most. (May we suggest some of our very own nonprofit partners?)
Financial New Years Resolutions
Above: Weekly Annual Passion Planner, SAVE IT! Finance and Budgeting Sticker Book
Managing your money can be an intimidating topic, even under normal circumstances. With so many of us facing financial hardships right now, it can feel like starting from square one. But as we #PashFam always say, “It doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to start.” No matter where you are in your financial health journey, investing into yourself and your goals is always a great use of money.
- Create an expense tracking spread in your Passion Planner. Or use our free Financial Tracker PDF!
- Define your financial goals.
- Start tracking your expenses by category.
- Set a goal amount to pay into your student loan debt, car, etc.
- Start and/or build your rainy day fund.
- Ask for a raise.
- Learn more about investing your money.
- Budget for charitable donations.
- Treat yourself! Make a budget for fun and self-care.
- Strategize your credit card use - rewards, travel cards, and more!
- Try a new saving strategy, like the envelope method.
- Set a goal amount to invest in your retirement fund.
Self Care New Years Resolutions
Above: Weekly Annual Passion Planner, Self-Care Sticker Book
We’re reclaiming many things at Passion Planner, but self-care just might top the list. In a society that celebrates “the hustle,” self-care is nothing short of radical. And of course, self-care goes beyond pampering yourself for a night (although we do LOVE that!). Honoring your personal boundaries, practicing gratitude, and self-reflection are all ways to care for the most important of relationships: the one you have with yourself!
- Protect your boundaries and embrace the word “no.”
- Use up your vacation time - even if it’s just a staycation!
- Add journaling to your daily routine.
- Start a gratitude log.
- Build a morning and night routine.
- Devote daily time to your self care.
- Monitor your screen time, and then...
- Find an intentional replacement for the screen time you’re saving.
- Deep clean your IG feed. Unfollow accounts that negatively impact your mental health.
- Find a therapy option that works for you.
- Expand your horizons - try new genres in music, movies, and books.
- Control your news intake.
Healthy New Years Resolutions
Above: Weekly Annual Passion Planner, Nature Sticker Book
When I think of “New Year’s Resolutions,” the first thing that seems to come to mind are fitness goals. Get a gym membership, lose this much weight… goals that enforce an idea that there’s some ideal that I’m not meeting. But fitness is only one aspect of something far more sacred: the act of taking care of my body. Yes, this might include incorporating more movement into your lifestyle, but there’s so much more we can do to honor, listen to, and celebrate our physical bodies.
- Find a form of movement that brings you joy.
- Don’t procrastinate on visiting your doctor/dentist.
- Wear an article of clothing that used to scare you.
- Incorporate a new vegetable into your diet.
- Learn new recipes from your culture.
- Spend a little time outside every day.
- Floss. (For real this time.)
- Grow your green thumb.
- Listen to your body. Track cycles, eat intuitively, and be mindful.
- Base your fitness goals on feeling good, instead of looking good.
- Find your cheerleaders - people who make health and wellness fun and positive!
- Dress for and celebrate the body you have now.
New Years Resolutions for Self Betterment
Above: Weekly Annual Passion Planner, New Year New Goals Sticker Book
You may find yourself asking: What’s the difference between self-care and self betterment? They certainly go hand-in-hand, but let’s take our goals around the self a little further. If self-care can be defined as acts of self service that help you rest and recharge yourself, perhaps we can think of self betterment as the thing that self-care helps fuel. Here are some ways to pursue personal development, from learning new skills to becoming a more effective goal-getter.
- Start the year off right: fill out your Passion Roadmap!
- Break down your Passion Roadmap goals, and fit them into your weekly schedule with the help of the New Year New Goals sticker book.
- Go 12 for 12 on your Monthly Reflections!
- Small goals are important, too! From scheduling that dentist appointment to finishing that book you’ve been reading forever, little bursts of instant gratification can have a huge impact on your motivation.
- Switch up your Passion Planner system (drawings, new color codes, etc).
- Learn a new skill or hobby (Bonus Points: do NOT make it a side hustle).
- Get that passion project off the ground (like starting a novel).
- Do something that your childhood self dreamed of doing.
- Take a class that will help you get better at your job.
- Research a topic you’ve always been interested in.
- Hone your multitasking skills. Try listening to an audiobook on your next walk!
- Learn from the experts around you! Go out of your way to chat with your professor, your boss, etc.
We hope that these New Years Resolution ideas inspire you to look forward to 2025 with renewed hope, excitement, and joy!
What 2025 resolutions are your writing in your Passion Planner? Let us know in the comments!