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How to Maximize Your Time with the Pomodoro Technique

How to Maximize Your Time with the Pomodoro Technique

As goal-getters, big dreamers, and visionaries, it seems like we could all use just a little bit more time in our day. In a world full of commitments, busy schedules, sprinkled with distractions and interruptions, maximizing one's time is no easy feat. Fortunately, we can savor and take advantage of as many of those precious minutes as possible with Passion Planner and an effective time management strategy such as the Pomodoro Technique. 

What Is The Pomodoro Technique?

How to Maximize Your Time with the Pomodoro Technique: 1. Set out your tasks to do. 2. Work for 25 minutes (1 pomodoro). 3. Record your progress. 4. Take a short break. 5. Get back to work! 6. Take a long break after a few pomodoros.

Francesco Cirillo developed the Pomodoro Technique in the 1980s while studying at university. With a tomato-shaped kitchen timer and commitments to uninterrupted study time, the Pomodoro Technique was born. After successfully reclaiming his focus and maximizing time and efficiency, Cirillo self-published a book outlining his entire time management technique. 

To simplify, the Pomodoro Technique works like this: 

  1. Choose your task(s). 
  2. Set a timer for 25 minutes. It’s preferred to use an old-fashioned timer (bonus points if you use a Pomodoro tomato timer), but an online timer works as well. 
  3. Work on the task for 25 minutes uninterrupted, minimizing all distractions. Dial-in and focus! Once your 25 minutes is up, you've completed one Pomodoro session. Keep track of your completed Pomodoros by putting a checkmark or tally on a piece of paper, and record what you achieved during your working session.
  4. Enjoy a 5-minute break. 
  5. Repeat the process! 
  6. After four Pomodoros, treat yourself to an extended break, say, somewhere between 15-30 minutes. 

That's it! It's that simple. 

What Are The Benefits Of The Pomodoro Technique?

Using the Pomodoro system comes with a multitude of benefits, some of which include: 

  • You will have a clear understanding of how you're spending your time. By managing your time in smaller blocks, you'll know precisely how you're spending your time as well as how much time it takes you to complete various tasks without distractions, interruptions, and procrastination. 
  • You can break the habit of multitasking and truly enhance your productivity and performance. Say goodbye to constant distractions, unwelcomed notifications, and mindless social media scrolling while working. 
  • You can reduce or prevent burnout and feelings of being overworked by taking full advantage of your breaks. Particularly for those who stare at screens all day (who doesn't, these days?), it can be revitalizing to stand up, walk away from your screen and give your eyes and mind rest. Consider spending your breaks moving your body, enjoying a healthy snack, or getting some fresh air to maximize the effects on your well-being. 
  • Assuming the Pomodoro Technique works, you should see a spike in your productivity. You don’t have to take it from me, check out this review from Kat Boogaard and motivational speaker and entrepreneur Chris Winfield's positive experience using Pomodoro time management. All those items you've had on your to-do list that you haven't gotten around to don't stand a chance! Time to cross those action items off your list. 

How Can I Set My Passion Planner Up For The Pomodoro Technique?

Your Passion Planner is the perfect tool to help you implement the Pomodoro Technique. Here are some best practices to help you get started: 

Monthly Layout

Passion Planner GameChanger List: Tasks to Pomodoro Examples: Writing, Cleaning, Correspondence

Above: Weekly Undated Passion Planner, New Year New Goals Sticker Book (Inside Planner), Ready Set Grow Sticker Book (Background)

Remember your monthly spread that you fill out each month? Revisit your project lists that you filled out at the beginning of the month. The projects themselves might be too big in scope for a Pomodoro, so consider using the projects as your end-goal, but use task batching to define better what you will complete as part of each of your 25-minute Pomodoros. 

  • Consider using the Space of Infinite Possibility on your weekly spreads to help you task batch and spread out your Pomodoros over the month. Write your task lists and keep track of how many Pomodoros you're planning per week. 

Weekly Layout

Passion Planner Weekly Layout

Above: Weekly Undated Passion PlannerNew Year New Goals Sticker Book

With your end goal in sight and your tasks batched in a meaningful way, pop into your weekly spread. The magic happens here! 

  • Plan your Pomodoros for the week in advance. Determine how many Pomodoros you can complete for the week, leaving time for other commitments as needed. Do you know how many Pomodoros you can commit to this week? Schedule them in! (Bonus points if you use tomato stickers the first go around for the full Pomodoro Technique effect). 
  • Once your weekly spread is packed full of tomatoes (or any other shape or symbol to signify your Pomodoros), create a visual way to represent your breaks in between sessions. Snag a pack of Passion Markers to use for all of your breaks. The fineliner tip works great for short breaks, and the chisel tip is perfect for the longer intervals you'll take every four Pomodoros. Color coding your work time and break time can help you effectively organize your Pomodoro Technique sessions. 
  • If your week is packed full of Pomodoros that you need to prioritize, use the to-do list sections to help you organize which Pomodoros need to be top of mind. If you have tasks that fall in the top priority boxes, schedule those for the beginning of the week to get them off your plate as early as possible. 
  • At the end of each week, count the number of Pomodoros you completed, do a happy dance, and write down your accomplishments in the Good Things That Happened box. If you want an extra motivational boost or are looking to take your end of week celebration one step further, grab the Ready Set Grow Sticker Pack

Monthly Reflection

Passion Planner Monthly Reflection: Reflect on what you've learned about your productivity through the Pomodoro Technique.

Above: Weekly Undated Passion PlannerNew Year New Goals Sticker Book

When you complete your Monthly Reflection, take time to assess the Pomodoro Technique as it applies to your schedule. Did it work for you? Did you crush your to-do list? Do you need to adjust the number of Pomodoros you can commit to, either higher or lower? 

You have the power to turn your dreams into reality and can bring your visions to life! Have you tried the Pomodoro Technique? Try the Pomodoro Technique using your Passion Planner and let us know how it works for you in the comments! 

Author Bio 

Alyssa Towns (Swantkoski) works in the digital marketing industry, and is a freelance writer specializing in personal growth, productivity, and wellness. In her free time, she enjoys writing for GenTwenty and Life Goals Mag, adventuring with her husband, reading self-help books, and practicing yoga at home thanks to the Yoga with Adriene YouTube channel. Stay caught up with Alyssa at
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