Marilou S.
Did not get the files. Guess they just want your email.
Rachel B.
I love my passion planner. I printed theses to actually hang up on my wall, so I can see what major events are happening. So grateful to have these additional resources.
Elizabeth W.
I also cannot download the template. To me, it is more like a way to lure us put down our email address, so that they can bombard us with email later! I would rather them saying that the amount of each template costs instead of telling us that we can download the template!
Amelia R.
It has been the third time that I can't download the files although I could some months ago. I don't know what happened with the links but it doesn't really work.
The same thing happened with the daily layout and weekly overview. Maybe it's just a technical problem which will be naturally solved tomorrow but kind of disappointed of my bad luck then :(
On the other side, these free printables are definitely useful and help me a lot on a daily basis, good job for the team :)