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How to Empower Your Community: Our Get One, Give One Program

How to Empower Your Community: Our Get One, Give One Program

Community is so much more than a group of people who share common goals, or simply the area in which you live. The true essence of community is a genuine connection that drives positive change to be more for one another. It’s being a part of something that is larger than ourselves.

Our Get One, Give One Program is a commitment to cultivating belonging among the #PashFam community, and to expanding its reach to include those desiring to be heard, seen, and recognized. By donating a Passion Planner for every planner purchased, we are one step closer to a world where everyone has the courage, tools, and community to build their ideal life.

It is best to share Passion Planner with those to whom you are connected, especially students or community members who feel stuck or are seeking direction in their lives. One way to share Passion Planner is to host a workshop for your community or local classroom to share goals and hold one another accountable. 

Here are the four key steps to hosting a dialogue on how the Passion Planner helps people live their ideal lives.

1. Share your own Passion Planner Story.

Your story is a powerful avenue to help others empower themselves. How has Passion Planner helped you? Sharing your story builds trust with your community, and demonstrates vulnerability as a strength. It is also evidence that the Passion Planner is indeed more than a planner. It can be a friend to those undergoing mental health struggles, an assistant to parents juggling multiple responsibilities, or an accountability partner to students and entrepreneurs. No matter what you’ve been through and how different your experiences may be, there will always be something that resonates with another person.

2. Identify the Why.

Have participants go to the very first page of the Passion Planner and refer to the second question at the bottom: “Who or what motivates you most?” Their answer to this question will give you insight into their life and why they make decisions the way that they do. Stress that beginning with self-reflection is a key aspect of Passion Planning, because when they have a strong sense of where they have been and what motivates them, they are more in tune with where they are headed. Express that their “why” is the moral compass that informs their decisions and is our North Star when times are hard. Their “why” is what gets them out of bed every morning and will ultimately be the driving force behind the commitment they make to their goals. Go around the room and share your motivators with one another.

3. Figure Out the What.

Now that everybody has their “why,” the next step is to find the “what,” or more specifically, the goals that are going to help them live their most authentic and empowered lives. Guide everyone towards the Passion Roadmap in their planners.

Some people may be overwhelmed at the prospect of imagining what they want to accomplish in a lifetime or even three months. Encourage them that this activity is an opportunity to exercise their imagination and to have fun with it. Once everybody has completed the Roadmap, break into small groups to share. Here are some examples of potential reflection questions:

  • How did you feel after doing the Passion Roadmap?
  • What is one goal that you feel really excited about?
  • How would your life change if you were able to achieve this goal?

4. Embody the How.

From their Roadmap, have them select a GameChanger, the goal that would have the most positive impact on their lives right now. Show them how to break down that goal into smaller and more manageable checkpoints, assign deadlines, and write these tasks according to the corresponding times in their weekly layout. The pressure to build your ideal life can seem overwhelming, but encourage your community that it really begins one step at a time! We want everybody to leave the workshop with a sense of motivation, an inspiration to act, and excitement to use Passion Planner.

Ready to use your power to uplift others and effect change? Apply for our Get One, Give One program to make Passion Planner your companion in making the world a better place.

By applying to this program, we hope you recognize that Get One, Give One is about so much more than free planners. It is about actively engaging people in the process of their own empowerment. With your skills, time, and experience, you are showing people that they are worthy of an authentic and passionate life.

Author Bio

Paula Votendahl is a Content Marketing Specialist with Passion Planner.  In her free time she enjoys eating Hot Cheetos and watching British period dramas. 

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