The Let’s Celebrate Sticker Book makes every day a special occasion! Party up your planner pages with colorful illustrations and trackers to brighten up your most cherished memories.
How to Use Digital Stickers
Watch Digital Planning Video Tutorials
10 Reasons to Switch to Digital Planning
Even MORE Digital Planner Inspiration
- Total number of stickers: 806
- Created for and recommended use for GoodNotes (GoodNotes App not included)
- Compatible with: ZoomNotes, Noteshelf, Notability, Drawboard, Xodo, and most PDF readers. Pre-cropped sticker functionality may be limited.
- Syncable across all Apple devices and most Android devices (devices need to be iOS 12 or Androids v6 and higher)
- Artists Spotlight
- Eugene Amo @eugeneamo
- Dea Christabella @deachristabella
- Monica Hampton @monicahamptondesign
- Chelsea Jenna @designedbychels
- Veronica Porlier @veronica.porlier
- Minna So @minnamaydesign
- Surmillon @surmillon
- Clarissa Tong @eatmashimaro
- Collin Williams @cloudhymns