10 Affirmations for Practicing Resilience
We have a saying at Passion Planner: “It doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to start.”
I can’t count how many times I’ve looked at unchecked boxes or incomplete goals in my planner and instantly felt like a failure. (Hello, planner guilt.) While feeling this way is normal, living in it can negatively affect how we see ourselves. I asked five #PashFam members what mantras and positive self-talk helped them overcome challenging experiences with resilience.
“I am going to know failure if I decide to be brave with my life.”
- #PashFam member, Christina I.

"You got through every single day you thought you couldn't get through. You are here. You are valued. You are thriving."
- #PashFam member, Daniel A.

“All failures [and successes] are stepping stones toward something better.”
- #PashFam member, Tim F.

“Remember when I thought about giving up, and couldn’t imagine a future? Well, here I am so many years later!”
- #PashFam member, Tiffany S.

“Failure doesn’t define you, it shapes you.”
- #PashFam member, Evellyn L.

If any of these affirmations resonated with you, write them in your Passion Planner right now! Planning is just one step towards reaching your goals. Believing in yourself is the other.
What do you tell yourself to overcome your challenges?